This is what I wrote today in the 3 minute silence.
We take too much for granted in this world. We assume the people we love will always be around - it doesn't matter if you leave them on bad terms, it doesn't matter because next time you see them it will be better, you can talk it through. But what if we never see them again? What if we are left like the thousands of families - waiting, hoping for news or devestated by loss in the Asian Tsunami. Just one moment can alter our lives forever, flip our worlds around. Just one moment can make us lose everything we take for granted - our homes, our loved ones, our possessions, sometimes even our faith. We need to begin to experience, to wonder, to explore those things that we take for granted and cherish them. When something of this magnitude happens it rocks the world, it affects even those that haven't lost people. Donate, volunteer, do anything you can.
If you only learn one thing, learn that the people you love need consideration, they need to experience your love, tell them, show them - learn that they aren't just there. They are part of you. Know how it would feel to not have them around if you lost them - would you still hold a grudge? Would you feel guilty for not telling them that you cherished them? Remember you loved ones, even if you still have them. Remember the good times and keep them with you when maybe you don't see eye to eye with someone. Its ok to have differences, its wrong to hold them against people. Realise that we can exist together without having the same opinion, realise that sometimes our differences can make us stronger. You never know what is going to happen. Live each moment and make it worthwhile.
take care,
sinope xx