Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Sometimes it feels like the world is moving forwards, but I am standing still. Sometimes it feels like I'm sat at the centre of a timelapse video, never changing, never moving, as the world and all it's people zoom by ... busy, occupied, purposeful.

Sometimes, I like to experience it, revel in the calm that falls with in my sphere. Sometimes it feels like I'm being left behind, forgotten, lost. No matter how loud I shout, no matter how many people I try to stop or catch up with. I hope, that someone in this world slows down soon. Catches me in the corner of their eye and breaks me out, takes me along for the ride. Because today, no matter how hard I try to fight my way out of this forcefield, no one can see. It's a one way mirror, shatterproof, sound proof. No one gets in, no one gets out. The world rushes by, unaware.

I will fight, I will scream. I will yell until my voice is lost, until my heart bursts, until my lungs can expel no more air.

I will be, I will exist, I will dream, until you find a way to break this prison. Until you set me free. Then, I will live. Love. Smile. Belong.

Then, I will be me.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Worst Case Scenarios ...

... yes ... it appears ... my husband has crowned me 'Worse Case Scenario Girl'. For every optimistic thought you can throw my way ... I will discover every worse case scenario possible. New shoes? Beautiful new shoes ... but ... what if those new shoes get caught in a grate, breaking off the heel and causing me to swear at an old woman, who in turn refuses to cook her husband dinner, who in turn refuses to go teach his astronaut children the way of space, who in turn go into space but unsure of what to do accidentally create a space time continuum, bringing about the events of time travel and the resultant butterfly effect of histories changed.


Paranoia Princess? Anxiety Alice? No, able to jump to visions of horrific scenarios and the wrong conclusions in a single millisecond ... guaranteed to wash hands to a red pulp and perfect for checking every window is closed ... I AM WORST CASE SCENARIO GIRL.

